Tuesday, 26 July 2011

First Post!

Hello all, as this is a first post I thought I'd do a bit of an introduction, then I'll get onto what I've recently been working on.

I've been painting for a few years now, like many I started when I was a kiddy (I still have some of my old models, I hope I've improved somewhat since!), I painted and played warhammer for a year or two and then it fizzled out. It wasn't until I was in university and I was both missing doing creative stuff, and realising that I needed something else to do to replace some of the 3 or 4 nights of going out a week that I picked up the hobby again. I had a couple of friends who I'd discovered used to play, and one of which still did, so that christmas I ordered the BFSP set and started out very slowly painting night goblins, I painted on and off in dribs and drabs through uni,only managing to fully paint one army (warriors of chaos).

Now I've finished uni and am giving painting for profit a proper go, this blog will include all of the stuff I'm painting for eBay or for commissions, as well as (hopefully) finding time to paint some things just for myself.

Without further ado here's the stuff I've been painting up for the storm of magic campaign:

And here's a link to my Ebay page

Also a couple of pics for those round-basers out there of the blood angels I've been working on until SoM took over my life :):

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