It's been a busy couple of days, overall thubs up for the new VC kits though, which I think have cemented my opinion that as an army the Vamp's have one of the best selection of models available to them, so much quality plastic!***
The terrorgeist took me much longer than expected, the different layers make it hard to do at speed, I persevered and managed to get it up finished on ebay before everyone else though, I hope it was worth it.
The cairn wraith and banshees were much more forgiving, and beautiful simple models, a good colour choice and a couple of individual details really make these models in not too much time, and I think if someone had the $$$$ unit of them used as spirit hosts would look exactly how I always imagined they could, drifting along, great stuff all in all, another 10/10 for GW on their plastics (the cairn wraith is nicer to put together than the banshee though, a couple of fiddly bits there, nothing off-putting however).
All of these fellas are up on
eBay now.
***We won't mention the black coach or vargulf being horrific to assemble, as it's not helpful to my argument!