Thursday, 10 November 2011

New Necrons!
It's been a while since I've last updated, but here's some pictures of the new Necron kits I've been painting; both of these are up on ebay; I'll be posting some more updates soon.

Cheers for looking; Ark is next, and some more Ogres, and some privateer press stuff!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Finished Bulls

Ogre Bulls all done
Just a quickie today; finished off the final details on the Ogre unit for a client - really happy with how they've come out, working on 4 leadbelchers next.

Monday, 29 August 2011


First unit all but done; lots more to come of these guys in the near future :)

Friday, 26 August 2011

Garden of Morr:

This is the 2nd of these kits that I've painted, it's absolutely amazing, and great value for money, fairly tough as well, although if it were mine I'd save the unavoidable faff and just take off the prongs from the corners of the bigger mausoleum before they got broke in general game play ^_^

Monday, 8 August 2011

New Vampire Counts Models Painted

It's been a busy couple of days, overall thubs up for the new VC kits though, which I think have cemented my opinion that as an army the Vamp's have one of the best selection of models available to them, so much quality plastic!***

The terrorgeist took me much longer than expected, the different layers make it hard to do at speed, I persevered and managed to get it up finished on ebay before everyone else though, I hope it was worth it.

The cairn wraith and banshees were much more forgiving, and beautiful simple models, a good colour choice and a couple of individual details really make these models in not too much time, and I think if someone had the $$$$ unit of them used as spirit hosts would look exactly how I always imagined they could, drifting along, great stuff all in all, another 10/10 for GW on their plastics (the cairn wraith is nicer to put together than the banshee though, a couple of fiddly bits there, nothing off-putting however).

All of these fellas are up on eBay now.

***We won't mention the black coach or vargulf being horrific to assemble, as it's not helpful to my argument!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Ogre Kingdom Rumours!

Pictures have surfaced on the net of the new OK models which will be part of their (rumoured to be the first week of sept - so either 03/09) upcoming release.

Some big rules changes are apparently in the upcoming book, which they definitely need,v. excited about the prospect of painting up some of these guys, although some of the models do look like they may be a little busy, bordering on over-detailed, on the whole some pretty cool stuff though.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Dragon Rider + SoM Scenery

The buyer who won the auction for the first dragon I painted has asked me to paint up the mount options, so here's a pic of the Dreadlord, really pleased with how this guy came out, the only instructions I was given was use black and red, which is a pretty nice point to work from:

More SoM Scenery:
As part of some work I'm doing for a client he wanted some of the recent SoM scenery painted up; I was happy to oblige as I love these kits, and getting out my scenery brush :D He's got both a Tomb Kings and VC army, so I went for the slightly more necromantic looking fire, which I will carry on through to the balefire vortex piece when I do that. Apologies for the shine on the photo, the models haven't been dulcoted.

Eternity Stair:

Dreadfire Portal:

Also my top tip for anyone wanting to save themselves a lot of time and effort if they're putting together the Magewrath Throne...

You'll save yourself much faff if you can get your hands on some elastic bands :)

Monday, 1 August 2011

Another Dragon:

I finished up a second black dragon on sunday to get listed on Ebay, the winning bidder on the last one has asked me to paint up both mount options so I'll probably make a start on those tomorrow; I've just finished a second Eternity Stair Scenery piece for a client, which is drying now, and I've got another dreadfire portal which I just have the flames left remaining to do. I'm going to try and do the flames green on this one, as he's primarily an undead player and I feel that green flames look more necromantic, not to mention I just like how they look in general!

Pics of that should be up in tomorrows update.

Any thoughts are welcome as ever, I did a lighter base on this guy to try and put in another point of contrast apart from the spiky bits.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

My Desk... + WHat new VC models to paint?

Only a quick one here, but it'll show what I've got on the go at the moment, to the right WiP are **A new Necromancer, another eternity stair + whatevery thingy, another chimera, and soon a cockatrice will be added**, also another dragon.

**These are for a commission, not for ebay**

That's it for now, I'll get some decent photos of the finished Necromancer some time soon hopefully, just one last gratuitous plug for Ebay

Maybe that's not it:

I'd be really grateful if people could say which of the new VC releases (available for pre-order now on the GW website) they think would sell the best on eBay, I'm thinking the terrorgeist, but what about the scener, and will people want to pay for new tomb wraith and banshee models when they've already got some of the old ones?

Cheers for looking:


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Second Post!

Just because sharing the word is a good thing I came upon these pics on the net, anyone excited? :)

First Post!

Hello all, as this is a first post I thought I'd do a bit of an introduction, then I'll get onto what I've recently been working on.

I've been painting for a few years now, like many I started when I was a kiddy (I still have some of my old models, I hope I've improved somewhat since!), I painted and played warhammer for a year or two and then it fizzled out. It wasn't until I was in university and I was both missing doing creative stuff, and realising that I needed something else to do to replace some of the 3 or 4 nights of going out a week that I picked up the hobby again. I had a couple of friends who I'd discovered used to play, and one of which still did, so that christmas I ordered the BFSP set and started out very slowly painting night goblins, I painted on and off in dribs and drabs through uni,only managing to fully paint one army (warriors of chaos).

Now I've finished uni and am giving painting for profit a proper go, this blog will include all of the stuff I'm painting for eBay or for commissions, as well as (hopefully) finding time to paint some things just for myself.

Without further ado here's the stuff I've been painting up for the storm of magic campaign:

And here's a link to my Ebay page

Also a couple of pics for those round-basers out there of the blood angels I've been working on until SoM took over my life :):